My Best British Friend

My best British friend is someone I am very thankful to have in my life. I am not ashamed to say that I had met her online before meeting her in person. But when we finally did meet in person, she had brought a surprise. She had brought her mom with her when she came to meet me. I felt so happy that she brought me the gift of her mom, as I lost my mom back in 2005. Her mom was really happy, encouraging, had a great personality and loved to laugh. She pushed through the pain, she was fighting a battle that none of us even knew. Unfortunately, a few months later after meeting she passed away to pancreatic cancer.

My friend has been incredibly strong and brave. She has a twin sister who isn’t as outgoing but still loves to join in on the fun. I am very proud of them both for being strong empowering women who work hard.

My friend and I are going through a lot of the same challenges in life. We have both lost our moms who were the most important people in our lives. We get up each day and give it our best, even though people treated us like shit when our moms had passed away. What I hate most is people are always trying to tell us how to feel or to get over the death of our moms. This is complete bullshit and these people can fuck off, and then fuck off some more!

We have the problem of letting people have too much value in our life. People that would do nothing for us, we do everything for. We know what it is like to hurt and we try to be the saviour of other people, this often leaves to us feeling disappointed. We give a lot more to others than they would even bother giving back to us. I know we shouldn’t give to get, but some people really just take advantage of us, and that is not a nice feeling.  So, we are both working on this together, to cut toxic people out of our lives and focus on those who are important.

My friend is really passionate about animals and makeup! Animals because she has such a kind heart. And makeup because it is a nice way to express yourself!

I am really happy to have her as my friend and I want the best for her. I want her to raise her standards of who she allows to have control in her life. I don’t want her to look back and have regrets in life. I don’t want her to say I wish I didn’t waste so much time on people who will never give a damn. I want her to have confidence and pride in herself. I want her to know she is strong, courageous and an inspiration. I am very lucky to have her in my life! 😊 Love you!


My friend with HIV.

A year after my mom passed away, I met someone. This person accepted me for me, and accepted the situation that I was in. I had a breakdown in class, and at the end my professor tried asking me if I was okay. I couldn’t really give him an answer and just walked out in tears. He chased me out of the classroom and offered to give me a hug. This was one of the kindest things someone has done for me. He was asking what was wrong and said that I wasn’t myself and said he cared. This was really nice. I told him about my mom, and he didn’t make me feel crazy for being upset. I was dating a guy that told me my mom had been dead for a year and to get over her and move on with my life. This was something that was really hard for me to date someone who wasn’t understanding of me. Don’t worry I am not with him anymore either.

Because of this nice gesture it started a foundation for friendship. It was nice to know someone who understood what I was going through. His mom hadn’t passed away at this point, but he had lost people and knew how awful it was.

His class was my favourite class, the semester before I used to sit in on his class. Me and some friends heard a class laughing really hard, so we went to check it out, we found some empty seats and joined the class. Everyday for the rest of that semester we went to his class, we were not his students, and we would leave in the middle when we had to go to our actual classes. He once screamed out did someone fart when we were leaving, he had no idea we weren’t his students, but I eventually told him about this. He never knew that people who never took his class, came to it, and enjoyed it. Once I passed his class, he always welcomed me and any previous students back. Sometimes the class would be about us. He said he had spies in his class so nobody better cheat on a test, this was true!

There was one day he didn’t look well. I mean he looked completely awful. He was sitting on a bench and he was not well. And I sat down, and I spoke to him. And this was the last conversation I ever had with him. I felt like I was needed to be there during this time. I am pretty sure I might have even told him to go see a doctor. We talked about a lot of things that day, and I was really afraid for his wellbeing.  Not too long after that, I heard that he had a stroke and was in the hospital. It turns out when he was sick he actually had pneumonia. Not only did he have pneumonia and a stroke, but his Hodgkin’s Disease had come back. (He also had this as a kid, so did his brother, and his brother didn’t make it.) This was another reason we were connected in our friendship, I suffered with ulcerative colitis, still do. It is not the same disease, but can be extremely serious if not treated. He accepted me for me, and was understanding of my battles with my disease. This I respected so much.

Some time went by and I went by and I went to see if he was in class. He wasn’t, a professor that was taking over for him, knew me because he saw me the day I had my breakdown, told me he was in the hospital, and gave me an update on his status. Things got worse, he had a fall, and slipped into a coma. During his final days I went to the hospital quite a bit. I thought it was the least I could do with everything he did for me. I met some of his friends and we would play music for him. The nurses told us he could hear what we were saying just that he wasn’t responsive. So, we would talk to him, tell him stories, jokes and play music. He was probably glad when we would leave to get some proper sleep!

One day I didn’t make it to the hospital, I had a huge test for a class I was struggling with. And I was so scared that if I didn’t make it to see him that night he would pass away. The next morning, at breakfast, I got a phone call from his friend. He has passed away. This was absolutely heart breaking. I broke the news to other students about his passing.

At his funeral, it was a celebration! He always loved space, so he was buried in an astronaut suit. I didn’t get there soon enough to see it as it was hard on his parents and they then had a closed casket. During the funeral they did a drum circle. This was really healing, he loved music, he loved drumming, and they had his drum there that he had made. It was a wonderful experience to be a part of.

His parents had thanked me for coming to the services. I met his parents at the hospital. They were very nice people and had already been through a lot with losing their other child. And now they were losing their only living child. His mom was crying and said that she was going to die soon as well. She said you might go before me, but I am close behind and we will be together soon. This was so beautiful of his mom to say this. And it was lovely for her to call me his friend. There was a big age difference but that wasn’t what mattered. We had both been through something and we were there for each other, this is what friendship is.

After his passing, the news spread about him being HIV positive. This wasn’t something that surprised me given his body type and lifestyle choices. It wasn’t my place to judge him, but man did people judge him and say bad things. A few years ago, I looked at his wiki page, there were some really awful things writing on there that I couldn’t believe were being said. I had no idea if they were true, I hoped that they weren’t, but if they were, I had to think who was this man who is my friend that could of done these things, but how was he when we were friends, and what had changed him.

HIV isn’t a death sentence anymore like it used to be. The medicine has come a long way. You can live almost a normal-ish life compared to other chronic illnesses with it. It isn’t a disease for just gay people, anyone can get the disease, even the correct situations present itself.

I didn’t know everything my friend was going through, but I am glad he was my friend. I am glad he helped me, encouraged me, and inspired me. I can say he had one hell of a ride while living on this earth, and how amazing is it that he lived!



I am feeling really thankful today! Sometimes self-reflection can be a wonderful thing. I may not be where I want to be in life, but I have come a long way, and I am damn proud of that.

I have been a more pure person than a lot of people that I have come across. A lot of people will be nice to my face, but soon as I am away, will slag me off. Or they will just role their eyes to my face. But I have to be proud of myself for having an open mind. I have to be proud that I have showed so much empathy to people and their situations. I have to be proud of all the times I took time to show I care and love to people who don’t get it. I can’t let a few bad eggs make me feel miserable just because they are disappointed with their own lives.

Even thought I am sick with a cold/flu, I am not in a ulcerative colitis flare. That is something for me to be really proud of. I am not running to the toilet 30 times, leaking smelly blood. I am not anemic, and I am pretty sure my vitamin D is in order as I have been taking tablets for a month now, to get ahead start before winter hits.

Just a few things that I am thankful for are: I am not living on the streets, and I have food on the table. I have a beautiful kitty that I love very much, and she loves to snuggle up with me and play games with me. I have family (especially my wonderful husband) and friends who actually genuinely care for me. It might not be all of them but the ones that do are the ones that matter. And most of the time, I have a pretty good attitude, and it is contagious and makes other people feel happy.

So today, even though I woke up feeling pretty crummy, I am making the most of it, and feeling happy. I didn’t think I would survive through the gym today, but I think I powered through it pretty well. And I felt sick to my stomach thinking about work, but I am trying my best to make it through each day there with my situation. I’ve had to concentrate just getting through the next minutes, and not even thinking about the entire day, or week. And this is okay, I am going to do 1 thing every hour that I enjoy, listen to a song I like, or stretch, or talk to a friend or family member. The little rewards of getting me through the day.

Life is actually very short, and humans are very small in this universe. Try your best to find something to cherish each day. We are alive to experience something while we are here, so don’t wish the time away, for in the end we are limited. Find what makes you happy and enjoy your time while you are able to! I am thankful for my life, and I am thankful for those of you who to take the time to read what I have to say. It means a lot to me, especially if I can help someone. Until next time!

A small favor.

I did a small favor for someone today and it felt great! Let me tell you this person is going through a lot and I have so much respect for him. Sometimes things in life don’t go the way you plan, agree? But with everything he has been through he hasn’t given up. I am really proud of him for staying strong. Plus, he has helped me in my rough times too. So today I used my charm, my upbeat personality, to ask someone to help him with something. And the person without hesitation said yes. I was the link for what he needed to happen, I introduced the relationship, and because I am positive and upbeat it had happened. Even if it was just for one time, it was still a nice gesture. I wasn’t the one with the power to make the decision, but I did have the power of asking. And this is what was important. It made his day a lot better and this is what matters.

Have you done something nice for someone lately? Even if it is as simple ask asking somebody else to help someone?



Communication is key in long distance friendships/relationships! If you don’t have communication when you don’t even see someone you care for it is going to feel like that person doesn’t even exist.

Here are three tips that help me stay connected to my friends/family! 😊

  1. SNAIL MAIL – Write letters to your friends and send them in the post. You can write it one day on your lunch break or after work and then the next day you can send during your lunch break or send it on the weekend. It always feels super special to get a letter from a friend in the post.
  2. SEND GIFTS – If you have a friend that lives far away send them a present. It lets them know that you value their friendship. You can pick stuff out at the store and send it or you can buy something online and have it directly shipped to him or her. My friends always love a good pick me up! Plus you never know if they have exams or had a bad day at work. Something like this will always be appreciated.
  3. CALL, FACE-TIME, TEXT, EMAIL – Do all of these! I moved to a new country just over 5 years ago. Most of my friends are back in America. Some are in Japan, Hungary, etc. My rule with my friends is anytime is okay to message me. We are in different time zones. So if they make the effort I am thrilled! I never want them to feel guilty if they message me at 3am my time. I will be happy to wake up and see their beautiful message!

How do you like to communicate with your friends? Do you also write letters to each other?

I absolutely love when my friends send me a text saying they got the care package I sent them! It is even more fun when they send me something back. :p

brown paper envelope on table
Photo by John-Mark Smith on

Dealing with Loss

Dealing with Loss

I lost the most important person to me, my mom, when I was 18 years old. She passed away very unexpectedly. She was there when I woke up in the morning (I remember she made me mini chocolate chip pancakes) and passed away by the time I came home from school later that day. It was the absolute worst feeling in the world.

Most people will say that their mom is the absolute number one mom in the world. But for me, that was true. My mom was my best friend and we did everything together. We cooked together, went shopping together and even played video games together. My mom was amazing at puzzles. She especially loved to do the sky bit.

My mother truly had unconditional love for me. She always supported me in anything I wanted to pursue and was my number one fan. She even supported me at times when I was wrong, because she knew that way I would learn from my mistakes. Failure can be the best method of learning. My mom absolutely loved to read. It was something I had hated as a kid and thought it was boring. She used to buy me magazines of anything that was interesting to me to get me to improve my readings skills. Now I actually love reading and do it every day.

You never know how horrible it is to lose someone, until it actually happens. I felt so hollow and alone, I felt like I was detached from her permanently. Like an invisible string had been cut and she was gone forever. I cried myself to sleep everyday for a year. I woke up and wondering why she wasn’t there to say good morning, and then it would sink it, that she would never do this for me again, she was gone. And I would start my day off with crying of how much I missed her. The buckets of tears I cried for her could not bring her back.

I withdrew myself from just about everything. I was supposed to be in a high school play, but, I decided to drop out. My mom loved that I did theatre in high school. I even went to NYC to do some auditions. But I gave it up the day she would never be able to see me perform again. This I know she would have wished for me to peruse as people think I might have some talent. Who knows.  I stopped talking to my friends. Some tried to communicate to me longer than others. Some left me alone after a week, some a month, some a few months, and now since it has been 13 years, I have very few of them left. I didn’t join any sports teams, I didn’t get involved in after school activities, just gave up on all of it. The only thing I did was come home and play video games. I played video games because this world was different to me. One where I had friends that I would play with online that weren’t judging me on my personal life but on my gaming abilities.

Life can be full of regrets. But I have so many wonderful memories with my mom as she was always participating in my childhood. She made herself present and that is so important to me. Not just me but my brothers as well, we were her entire world and she loved us so much.  She was always encouraging us to be better, and nicer. She was always saying we don’t know what struggles people are going through and to just be nice. Be there for them and give them a chance.

During the first year of my mom’s death my friendship grew closer to another person. This person lost someone that they absolutely loved to. And through this person it helped me understand about how I was dealing with my mom’s death. I didn’t feel like I was crazy for feeling the emotions I had felt. I had so many different emotions and feelings going on. I would be so upset and angry that she was taken from me. Because I have this problem when I see someone who does so much good to help the world be taken from us. And I get more angry when I see someone who doesn’t try at life and takes advantage of every situation to collect free money with no purpose on the planet. I felt so angry that those people can live long lives who don’t do any good for the planet or other humans. Why would such a good person be taken when such worse people can be taken. But in the end we are all going to die. You are going to die. I am going to die. Your best friend is going to die. And your enemies are going to die. So while you are here you better try your best to make a good life. Make people happy because nobody makes it out of life alive. Be that kindness in the world. Smile at a stranger, carry groceries or help put them in the car of another person, walk slowly across the street with an elderly person, hold the door open, give a compliment, do something! Do something positive! Be there for each other. But having this friend through this experience was very important to me. Now I can be a better friend to someone who is going through the same thing.

Sometimes you are so hurt you think you just want to be left alone. You feel so much pain and everything hurts everywhere. You don’t want to move, you don’t want to go to school, you don’t want to go to work. You just don’t even want to exist. But you have to, you must keep on , keeping on! You are not the only person to have lost someone even though your whole world has been taken from you. Yes, it is okay to break down and cry. But you need to keep getting back up as much as you are able to. I know my mom would never want me to commit suicide. She wants me to be myself and show the world the joy I bring. Show people how happy and funny I can be. Give my funny opinion on a situation or just to share my laugh. I have a really big laugh that is contagious when you hear it. Losing someone you care about is extremely hard, it isn’t a walk in a park, and you are never ever really prepared for it. But all you can do is try your best, because then you can say I gave it my all. That is better than to say I half-assed it can I have a redo.

Keep a journal, this is something I didn’t do but I always give as advice. Keep a journal about he person you care about. Write to them in that journal. Write to them about absolutely everything. Tell the person how much you miss them and love them. Write about fun times together. And also write down all the memories other share with your of that special person. And even write down who shared that memory with you. It is something you will be able to look back on later. I wish I did this because I have forgotten so much. And it makes me feel terrible that I could forget anything about my mom. So I am telling you to write down everything you know. You might want to show your future kids who you haven’t met yet (as maybe they haven’t been born yet.) But then you will have those memories crystal clear that you can share!

I may of got a bit side-tracked, but I haven’t written for a while. But I am here for you and I support you and I see you. Never feel like you are alone in this world. You do matter, you matter to me. Whatever feeling you have, that is okay, and that is your personal choice, nobody can tell you how you should feel. You are all brave and beautiful in your own ways and that is what makes you special. So it is only natural that you will cope in different ways and that is okay.  Huge hugs everyone! We might have met, maybe we will, maybe we never will, but I still love all of you.

candlelight candles
Photo by Irina Anastasiu on