I love taking bubble baths!

bath ducks bathing bathroom bathtub
Photo by icon0.com on Pexels.com


Ever since I was a kid I loved taking a bubble bath. It used to be one of the best things for me when I was sick with bad stomach cramps or I couldn’t sleep. But it is also one of my favourite ways to relax!

I know a lot of people think taking a bath is disgusting. Sitting in your own filth, yuck! But you can always clean your bathtub really good the day before and shower all the dirt off before you take your bath. Then is it still disgusting if everything is already clean including yourself? I bet those same people hate hot tubs!

Anyways, as I was saying I enjoy bubble baths. They are something that really help me during my ulcerative colitis flares. My doctors won’t allow me pain medication as they think it causes a reaction in the gut and can make it worse. So, the warm water helps to sooth the pain for me.

I also like to relax in a bubble bath. I was asked recently how long I can take a bath before I actually get bored… I think my average bath time is usually about an hour. If I had a Japanese bath tub, it would be a lot longer! If you don’t know about Japanese bath tubs they can maintain a warm temperature, so the water doesn’t get cold over time. This is something I loved during my study abroad in Japan. And the Japanese people love taking baths too! So, I was really happy about this when I was there that it would not be frowned upon. They even have TVs to watch while having a bath! How cool is that? That was now 10 years ago since I studied there! I bet there is a lot more technology that is awesome that the rest of the world still doesn’t have!

I really enjoy reading during a bath. The warm water and the scented soap create a relaxing environment to help me concentrate when reading. Plus, when you take a bath you aren’t going to be bothered by a lot of people, well I mean I guess unless if you are a parent having one while your kids are home. Sorry parents!

A funny fact is that I used to study a lot while taking a bath. I would make my flashcards or study my flashcards while taking a bath. I guess that is for the same reasons that I enjoyed reading in the tub. 🙂

My muscles get time to relax in the tub. When I do a workout I usually don’t do a light workout, I go as hard as I can! So, since I am using as much energy as I can my body will get soar. So, this helps them to relax, so sometimes I switch to magnesium salt baths.

And I guess the last reason I like a bath is it helps me to fall asleep. If I am having trouble sleeping and it isn’t because I am hungry, I know I can take a bath to help relax me. Does taking a bath help anyone else fall asleep?

Remember – if you take a bath don’t mix sleeping pills and alcohol together. It seems to be a way a lot of celebrities accidentally kill themselves. So please handle this information as extremely important.

Sorry to finish that off on such a sad note! How about we turn it around and you can tell me why you enjoy taking a bath. Does it help you relax? Does it help with your cramps? Maybe your house doesn’t have a shower and it only has a bath? Until next time hope you get to relax, and we will catch up again! 🙂 But for now, I hope you will enjoy your next bubble bath as much as I do! 🙂





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